Montag, 25. Juli 2011

What loves has this coastal seen

Where are we now look
Look, how far away
Don't even guess, don't bother
Just don't turn your eyes away.
Believe me even a smile will be enough
Our hearts are flying
If you are not aware of it, don't bother.
What loves has this coastal seen
What storms has it witnessed
When I gave up, you came out of the darkness.
His eyes hit me, so bright
The stars are on the right place, so shiny
Inside of me there's a smile, so happy.
Cheers to all my former loves that faded
Should know you are the reason.

Photo: by ME en Mallorca :)

Samstag, 16. Juli 2011

Sleeping is sin here

Just because of a kitty which sat in front of my window & meowed loudly all night long without any break...every night(!!!) & didn't let me sleep...

I changed my hostel...but before I changed I waited a few nights for that kitty's death...I thought, if it annoys us at night like this, someone will kill the kitty very soon...but this never happened and the little bitch kept meowing (though I love animals and protect them...please, don't misunderstand I wasn't really wishing kitty's death from heart ;) ).

At first night (at my new hostel) my room vibrated from the loud beats of clubs (I could almost start dancing in my bed)...then I noticed that my new hostel is between two big clubs which I didn't notice before.
At 4 o'clock drunken people leave the clubs, scream & laugh so loud that I jump out of my bed every early in the morning!!!

There's an unwritten rule I've just learned: It's sin sleeping at nights in Mallorca...and I'm 'too grandma' for this ;D

Sunny Greetings
from well-tanned Seraphine